How to make web analytics valuable for Rails apps

Traditional web analytics aren't always the most useful for web apps, where a single controller with a dynamic route can serve an infinite number of different URLs. For example, /organization/fewer-and-faster and /organizations/boxout-sports are really the same page, but they show up in analytics as two separate…

It's All User Experience

We're working on a ton of exciting stuff at Flipper, and we've been releasing updates at a feverish pace. Now we're getting close to releasing a wholly underwhelming and truly boring feature that will play a key role in Flipper's overall user…

How we designed Flipper Cloud to never take your app down

The first hesitation most people have with a cloud-based feature flag service is assuming that their feature flags checks will now require a network connection to said cloud. Many do, but ours doesn't. When I considered starting Flipper Cloud, my overriding concern was how can we ensure that…