Fighting Bots & Spam with Feature Flags

Feature flags are one of those things where once they click, you see opportunities for them everywhere. From managing development or analytics tools across environments to things like protecting registration or contact forms, they come in handy in endless ways. While nobody ever wants to take a registration or contact…

Performing Database Changes with Feature Flags

Releasing code behind feature flags when much of the related functionality is incomplete can sometimes require creative solutions. For example, if some new functionality requires a new column with a default value, how can we handle the scenario where the database’s default value should be different after the future…

It's All User Experience

We're working on a ton of exciting stuff at Flipper, and we've been releasing updates at a feverish pace. Now we're getting close to releasing a wholly underwhelming and truly boring feature that will play a key role in Flipper's overall user…

Environment Owners

Flipper Cloud now supports restricting who can enable, disable, or roll back feature flags in shared environments. That way nobody accidentally enables a flag in production prematurely.…

Organization Permissions

Flipper Cloud customers now have a little more control over which organization members have access to which features. Organization members can be assigned a role of administrator, member, or billing. And even better, there's no charge for billing-only team members.…