How to rename a feature flag

You know what they say... there are 2 hard things in computer science: cache invalidation, naming things and off-by-1 errors. That's true for feature flags as well. You don't always get the name quite right before the feature flag gets used in production. But once the…

Feature Flag Analytics

You might not have noticed it, but Flipper 1.3.0 (released in April) enabled telemetry by default for everyone using Cloud. This means for the past month or two (whenever you upgraded), we've been rolling up some useful metrics and shipping them to Cloud. Nothing personal is…

Double Your Cache, Double Your Fun

Long, long ago, when I was at GitHub, the file servers were setup active-passive, with the passive replicas sitting relatively unused. In an effort to prevent them from twiddling their thumbs, they were used as the primary memcached cluster. Sharing resources like this had benefits like less cost and higher…

How we designed Flipper Cloud to never take your app down

The first hesitation most people have with a cloud-based feature flag service is assuming that their feature flags checks will now require a network connection to said cloud. Many do, but ours doesn't. When I considered starting Flipper Cloud, my overriding concern was how can we ensure that…