It's Friday, so in the spirit of our blog named The Friday Deploy, we just deployed 3 new features for you. JK, we deployed these several days/weeks ago and have been testing them behind a feature flag. All we did today was push a couple buttons to flip these features on for you too:
- Project Overview
- Feature Creators & Owners
- Read-only API Tokens
Project Overview
The Project Overview is a thousand foot view of all your features and their status across all your environments and how they differ from production in your personal or other environments. You can also quickly sync them to mirror production.

Read more about the Project Overview…
Feature Creators & Owners
See who created a feature, and who is currently assigned as the owner to make it crystal clear who on the team is the best point of contact.
Read more about Feature Creators & Owners…
Read-only API Tokens
We're working on providing more control over who can manage features and in which environments. Now you can choose to make API tokens read-only.
Read more about Read-only API Tokens…
That's all for this week. Let us know what you think we should work on next!